About the ERIC Forum Implementation Project
The ERIC Forum Implementation Project
The ERIC Forum Implementation Project is a Horizon2020 project that brings together the ERIC community to strengthen its coordination and enhance collaborations between the partners. One of its major outcomes is to frame the necessary knowledge to support RIs interested to explore the ERIC legal framework and ERICs in preparation with various aspects.
The major objectives of the ERIC Forum Implementation Project are to:
- strengthen coordination and networking reinforcing the informal ERIC network or its successor framework,
- support the organisation of specific meetings, targeted thematic workshops focussing on shared challenges such as the development of internal procurement rules, harmonised reporting, VAT exemption practices, insurances and pensions policies and training of governance bodies representatives;
- support ERICs in preparation, based on best practices;
- support common communication and outreach activities and strengthen external representation of ERICs’ as a stakeholder in consultations and other policy actions that could affect them.
Project Scope and Vision
The ERIC Forum Implementation Project aims to strengthen the coordination within the ERIC community and enhance collaboration between partners. The strategic approach of the ERIC Forum will contribute to address critical challenges, develop best practices and frame the necessary knowledge to support ERICs-to-be with various aspects. Moreover, this will contribute in building the brand identity of ERICs as an important body and stakeholder in consultation of related policy action.