Gender Equality Plans (GEPs) became mandatory for public organisations, research organisations and higher education establishments participating in Horizon Europe.
The ERIC Forum’s Gender Equality Working Group (WG) was formed in June 2021, initially triggered by the newly established GEP eligibility in Horizon Europe, a strategic funding programme for ERICs.
The objectives of the WG are to organise trainings, facilitate regular exchanges of good practices and form a community around gender equality within the Forum to help ERICs draft and implement their GEP.
Some of the activities of the Working Group (WG) include:
- The organisation of an introductory training on Gender Equality Plans, delivered by Gender Equality Academy, a Horizon 2020 project which developed and implemented a high-quality capacity-building programme on gender equality in research, innovation and higher education.
- The development of a GEP template: publicly available here.
- The set-up of a joint web platform where ERICs’ staff can find useful resources to help them develop their GEPs. (i.e. training materials, examples of GEPs, surveys, etc.)
- The hosting of monthly exchanges for WG members to share, in a trusted and friendly environment, their progress towards their GEP, challenges faced and best practices.
- An online exchange workshop with EU-LIFE’s Gender Equality, Diversity and Inclusion WG on two high priority topics: sex and gender dimension in research and work-life balance.
Would you like to join the ERIC Forum Working Group on GEP?
The Gender Equality WG welcomes any staff member working for ERICs or prep-ERICs on the topics of gender equality and inclusion. To join the WG and take part in its activities, simply get in touch with Eliis Keidong, EATRIS Member Engagement Officer: eliiskeidong@eatris.eu.
Gender Equality Plans of the ERIC community (Established ERICs and those in the preparatory phase):