Project Partners



BBMRI is a European Research Infrastructure for biobanking that brings together all the main players from the biobanking field – researchers, biobankers, industry, and patients – to boost biomedical research. (Project coordinator).

► Read here BBMRI-ERIC’s newsletters and reports.

pin_dropNeue Stiftingtalstrasse 2/B/6, 8010 Graz, Austria


CERIC (Central European Research Infrastructure Consortium) is a Research Infrastructure that provides open access to some of the best facilities in Europe, to help science and industry advance in all fields of materials, biomaterials and nanotechnology.

► Read here CERIC-ERIC’s newsletters and reports.

pin_dropS.S. 14 – km 163,5 in AREA Science Park, 34149 – Basovizza, Trieste, Italy


CESSDA, the Consortium of European Social Science Data Archives, provides large-scale, integrated and sustainable data services to the Social Sciences.

► Read CESSDA-ERIC’s newsletters and reports.

pin_dropParkveien 20, 5007 Bergen, Norway


CLARIN, Common Language Resources and Technology Infrastructure, makes digital language resources available to scholars, researchers, students and citizen-scientists from all disciplines, especially in humanities and Social Sciences through single sign-on access.

► Read CLARIN-ERIC’s newsflashes.

pin_dropDrift 10, 3512 BS Utrecht, The Netherlands


DARIAH, the Digital Research Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities, is a pan-European infrastructure for arts and humanities scholars working with computational methods. It supports digital research as well as the teaching of digital research methods.

► Read DARIAH-ERIC’s newsletters and reports.

pin_dropc/o TGIR Huma-Num, CNRS UMS 3598, 54 bd Raspail, 75006 Paris,  France


EATRIS is a European infrastructure for translational medicine that plays a fundamental role in the advancement of knowledge and technology in translational research and drug development.

pin_dropDe Boelelaan 1118, Amsterdam, the Netherlands


ECRIN, the European Clinical Research Infrastructure Network, links scientific partners and networks across Europe to facilitate multinational Clinical Research.

pin_drop5 rue Watt, 75013 Paris, France


ECCSEL, the European Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage Laboratory Infrastructure, provides researchers across the globe easy access to its facilities and coordinates facility upgrades and new builds.

pin_drop7491 Trondheim, Norway


EMSO, the European Multidisciplinary Seafloor and water column Observatory, aims to explore the oceans, to gain a better understanding of phenomena happening within and below them, and to explain the critical role that these phenomena play in the broader Earth systems.

► Read here EMSO-ERIC’s reports.

pin_dropVia di Vigna Murata, 605, 00143 Rome, Italy

European Social Survey

The European Social Survey is an academically driven cross-national survey that measures the attitudes, beliefs and behaviour patterns of diverse populations in more than thirty nations.

pin_dropNorthampton Square, London, EC1V 0HB, United Kingdom

Euro-Argo ERIC

Euro-Argo ERIC is the Research Infrastructure coordinating and strengthening of the European contribution to the international Argo programme. Its mission is to achieve the objectives of the OneArgo  global ocean monitoring system in order to better understand and predict the ocean, its role in the climate system and its health.

► Read Euro-Argo ERIC’s activity reports

pin_dropEuro-Argo ERIC, Campus Ifremer, Technopôle Brest Iroise, 1625 Route de Sainte-Anne, 29280 Plouzané, France

European Spallation Source ERIC

The European Spallation Source is a joint European organisation committed to building and operating the world’s leading facility for research using neutrons.

► Read European Spallation Source ERIC’s annual reports.

pin_dropOdarslövsvägen 113, 224 84. Lund, Sweden.


ICOS, the Integrated Carbon Observation System, is a RI which provides harmonised and high-precision scientific data on carbon cycle and greenhouse gas budget and perturbations.

► Read ICOS ERIC’s annual reports.

pin_dropErik Palménin aukio 1, FI-00560 Helsinki, Finland


JIVE, the Joint Institute for VLBI, is an international astronomy institute that provides support for users of the European VLBI Network (EVN).

► Read JIV-ERIC’s annual reports.

pin_dropOude Hoogeveensedijk 4, 7991 PD, Dwingeloo, the Netherlands


Instruct is a Pan-European Research Infrastructure in structural biology, making high-end technologies and methods available to all European researchers.

► Read Instruct-ERIC’s newsletters.

pin_dropThe Division of Structural Biology, WTCHG, Roosevelt Drive, Oxford, OX3 7BN, United Kingdom

LifeWatch ERIC

LifeWatch provides e-Science research facilities to scientists seeking to increase knowledge and deepen understanding of Biodiversity organisation and Ecosystem functions and services.

► Read LifeWatch ERIC’s newsletters and reports.

pin_dropSector II-III Plaza de España – 41071 Sevilla, Spain


SHARE is a multidisciplinary & cross-national panel database of micro data on health, socio-economic status & social & family networks of more than 120000 individuals.

► Read SHARE-ERIC’s newsletters and reports.

pin_dropAmalienstr. 33, 80799 Munich, Germany


INFRAFRONTIER is a Research Infrastructure that provides access to mouse models, data, and scientific platforms and services to study the functional role of the genome in human health and disease.

pin_dropIngolstädter Landstraße 1, 85764 Neuherberg, München, Germany

Euro-BioImaging ERIC

Euro-BioImaging is a research infrastructure that offers open access to imaging technologies, training and data services in biological and biomedical imaging.

pin_dropTykistokatu 6B, FI-20520 Turku, Finland


EMBRC, the European Marine Biological Resource Centre, is a Research infrastructure responding to the societal Grand Challenges through advanced marine biology and ecology research.

pin_drop4 Place Jussieu – BC 93, 75252 Paris Cedex 05, France


EU-OPENSCREEN, the European Infrastructure of Open Screening Platforms for Chemical Biology, supporting life science research and its translation to medicine and agriculture.

pin_dropRobert-Rössle-Str. 10, 13125 Berlin, Germany


ELI, the Extreme Light Infrastructure, is the world’s most advanced international laser research infrastructure. It is a multi-site infrastructure with three complementary facilities in the Czech Republic, Hungary and Romania.

pin_dropRue Montoyer 23 1000 Brussels, Belgium


EPOS, the European Plate Observing System, is a long-term plan to facilitate integrated use of data, data products, and facilities from distributed research infrastructures for solid Earth science in Europe.

pin_dropVia di Vigna Murata 605, 00143 Roma