Bringing European Research Infrastructure Consortia Together.
ERIC Forum Annual Meeting 2025: Advancing European Research through Collaboration and Innovation
CTAO becomes a European Research Infrastructure Consortium
The ERIC Forum and the Updated European Charter for Access to RIs
ICRI 2024: A Global Perspective on Research Infrastructures
Advancing ERICs
The ERIC Forum Implementation Project, now in its second edition, brings together the ERIC community to strengthen its coordination and enhance its collaborations. The strategic approach of the ERIC Forum will contribute to addressing critical challenges and developing best practices. The European Union’s Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe Action fund the projects.
The major objectives of the ERIC Forum Implementation Projects are to:
- strengthen coordination and networking, reinforcing the ERIC network;
- support the organisation of specific meetings, targeted thematic workshops focussing on shared challenges such as the development of internal procurement rules, harmonised reporting, VAT exemption practices, insurances and pensions policies and training of governance bodies representatives;
- support ERICs in preparation, based on best practices;
- support common communication and outreach activities and strengthen the external representation of ERICs as a stakeholder in consultations and other policy actions that could affect them.
ERIC Forum Annual Meeting 2025: Advancing European Research through Collaboration and Innovation
CTAO becomes a European Research Infrastructure Consortium
The ERIC Forum and the Updated European Charter for Access to RIs
ICRI 2024: A Global Perspective on Research Infrastructures
Procedures of Engagement with Third Countries
“ERA is a wonderful concept”
The ERIC Forum 2 hosts its bi-annual virtual meeting
The ERICs have a strategic asset in the ERA
At the “ERA: Fostering Greater Integration. Advancing Competitiveness” Conference
Promoting Gender Equality in the ERIC Forum
Fostering ERICs as strategic assets for the European Research Area
How to address the challenges related to the ERIC Regulation and its implementation
The ERIC Community celebrates its 2 newest members at the BE Presidency Conference
10th Framework Programme: Position paper published
The ERIC Forum’s Annual Meeting
The Annual Meeting is here
Union is strength
Eric Forum 2 officially kicks off!
ERIC Forum Contribution to ESFRI Landscape Analysis
Public consultation on the past, present and future of the European Research & Innovation Framework programmes 2014-2027
Comments in view of the third Commission Report to the Council and the European Parliament on the implementation of the ERIC Regulation
Official launch of the ERIC Forum Toolkit
General Assembly and final meeting of the ERIC Forum Implementation Project 2022
The ERIC Forum is pleased to announce the release of its third policy report
Read the presentation: ERIC Forum and ELIXIR side event at ICRI 2022: ‘‘Research Infrastructures’ contribution to SDGs: Enabling excellent science in service of society’’
The Gender Equality Working Group
ERIC Forum survey for Research Infrastructures’ medium-term sustainability planning
MIRRI is officially established as an ERIC
ERIC Forum at PARI 2022, the Public Awareness of Research Infrastructures conference
ERIC Forum at ESOF 2022: Research Infrastructures’ Contribution to Environmental Sustainability’
Read the ERIC Forum article in the ICRI 2022 Blog: the ERIC legal form, the ERIC community, the ERIC Forum and more
Read the presentation ► ERIC Forum webinar ‘Best practices guidance on contracting, insurance and intellectual property for ERICs’
Register now ► ERIC Forum webinar ‘ERICs as attractive international employers: the case of RESAVER pension fund’
ERIC Forum Achievements: What’s in it for the ERIC community
Register now ► ERIC Forum webinar “Best practices guidance on contracting, insurance and intellectual property for ERICs”
Overview: ERIC Forum Policy Seminar on Socio-Economic Impact of ERICs
ERIC Forum and EU-Life Exchange on Gender Equality Plans (GEPs)
ERICs’ collaborations with Ukrainian Institutions and Scientists
About ERA4Ukraine
Statement by the ERIC Forum Executive Board on Ukraine Situation
AnaEE is officially established as an ERIC
Watch now ► ERIC Forum Webinar “Personnel of ERICs: challenges and best practices”
Overview on the ERIC Forum Meeting 2022
The ERIC Forum is pleased to announce the release of its second policy brief
Read the presentation ►EGERIC Report and Recommendations: Presentation to the ERIC Forum community
Watch now ► Webinar on Procurement Rules, VAT Exemption Practices and Economic Activities
Register now ► ERIC Forum Meeting 2022
New ERA conference summary report and recommendations
Deadline Extension of ESOF2022 Call for Proposals
Survey: Assessment of ERICs’ Socio-economic Impact
EGERIC Report: Assessment on the implementation of the ERIC Regulation
Read now ► ERIC Forum report on Quality Management and Reproducibility in Academic Research
How ERICs Contribute to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
Save the date and Register now ► ERIC Forum at the new ERA Conference session on ‘ERA for Research Infrastructures’
BBMRI, EATRIS and ECRIN will launch EU-AMRI, the European Alliance of Medical Research Infrastructures
How BBMRI-ERIC supports the biobanking community during the pandemic?
Overview: ERIC Forum at the Stakeholders’ Workshop on ERICs
ECRIN supports paediatric clinical research and personalised medicine
ERIC Forum at the Science Summit (UNGA76): Science Capacity Building | 29 Sept
Presentations available► Stakeholders’ Workshop on European Research Infrastructures Consortia (ERICs)
Bosnia and Herzegovina joins DARIAH as full member
CERIC users presented the first evidence of microplastics in the Antarctic terrestrial food web.
CLARIN Services in the European Open Science Cloud
Instruct Centre NeCEN collaborates with Janssen Vaccines & Prevention B.V in the development of a new SARS-CoV-2 vaccine
5,429 academic publications based on European Social Survey data
Discover LifeWatch ERIC EcoPortal, the repository of semantic resources for the ecological domain
Using the EU-OPENSCREEN bioactives library
ERICs’ Annual Reports 2020
ESFRI Celebrates the election of Jana Kolar as its new Chair
How the COVID-19 pandemic changed Research Infrastructures: An interview of Jan Hrušák, ESFRI Chair
ERIC Forum Online Toolbox Survey: Share your views
Overview ► Planning for Sustainability of Research Infrastructures
ERIC Forum training on Gender Equality Plans (GEP)
ELI ERIC officially established by the European Commission
Watch now ►ERIC Forum Webinar: Guidance on Accounting Principles for ERICs
Register now ► Planning for Sustainability of Research Infrastructures
ERIC Forum elects Francisco Colomer, JIVE ERIC Director, as new Chair
Italy joins the JIVE ERIC
EATRIS joins the EU Health Coalition
Workshop “Common Challenges and Actions for Distributed Research Infrastructures in Europe”
RI-VIS publishes three white papers on international cooperation between Research Infrastructures
ERIC Forum Meeting 2021 – Overview
ERIC Forum builds on achievements during 2020 and re-confirms Womersley and Ussi as Chairs
ERIC Forum Cross-Domain Workshop on Research Quality and Reproducibility
Effect of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Working Practices of Analytical Facilities II
The ERIC Forum meeting will be held on 26-27 January 2021
Workshop on Impact Assessment, Evaluation and Monitoring of Research Infrastructures: The presentations are now available
How science has been feeding into policy-making in the time of the COVID-19 pandemic?
IV RICH Symposium: ‘Research Infrastructures as engines for maximising impact of Horizon Europe’
EFIS’ Interactive Toolkit on Socio-Economic Impact Assessment of Research Infrastructures
ERIC Forum’s new Chair and Vice Chair elections: A call for ERICs
The ERIC Forum is pleased to announce the release of its first policy brief
ERIC Forum Position Papers
European Research Infrastructure Consortia and COVID-19 Research
EU missions – Call for ideas
1st ERIC Forum Policy Seminar
Press release: Jens Habermann appointed Director General of BBMRI-ERIC
Input of the ERIC Forum to the Open Consultation for the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC)
ERIC Forum’s response to the public consultation on the future of the ERA (communication)
Euro-BioImaging ERIC is now recruiting its Directorate
ERIC Forum’s New Corporate Brochure
ARIE position paper on Horizon Europe Mission
EPOS-ERIC is hiring its Executive Director
Do you want to improve the way RIs and industry interact? Participate in the ENRIITC surveys
The ERIC community and Horizon Europe Mission Areas
The Extreme Light Infrastructure passes key milestone to become an ERIC
“European Research Infrastructures for a smarter future” Conference
RI-PATHS Webinars: A European framework for socio-economic impact of research infrastructures: A way forward”.
Webinar – Supporting European Research: Communicating the Value of Life Science RIs in Times of Crisis and Beyond
ERF’s Review of Working Practices of Analytical facilities During the Pandemic
Overview of ERICs’ surveys on Administrative and operational issues
Communication Toolkit for European Research Infrastructures is now Online
Questionnaire – Research Infrastructures and COVID-19 Research
BBMRI-ERIC response to the Coronavirus Pandemic
CERIC-ERIC offers free Fast Track Access to COVID-19 related research
INSTRUCT-ERIC offers priority access for COVID-19 related research proposals
ESFRI cluster projects-Position papers on expectations and planned contributions to the EOSC
ERIC Forum Meeting 2020, Brussels
European User Office Meeting 2020
Press Release: The ERIC Forum announces new Chair and Vice Chair
ERIC Forum Meeting 2020 | Registration and Program
BBMRI-ERIC is hiring a Systems Administrator
Spain to join ICOS in 2020
BBMRI-ERIC is hiring its Director General
Euro-BioImaging is officially an ERIC
ERIC Forum’s response to the ERAC working group on ERA priorities and goals
ERIC Forum Directors’ meeting about the Governance Model
In-kind Contributions in the life of an ERIC
ERIC Forum at the RI-VIS Communication Workshop
ERIC Forum WP4 meeting on KPIs and Monitoring
Towards Key Performance Indicators of Research Infrastructures
DARIAH Newsletter September 2019
ERIC Forum members’ written contribution to ERAC ad-hoc working group on the Future of the ERA
ACCELERATE Webinars on Innovation
Webinar IV: Using BBMRI-ERIC’s Directory
ERIC Forum meeting with DG RTD
2nd Nordic ICOS Symposium ”Sources and Sinks of Greenhouse Gases”
European Research & Innovation Days
CERIC-ERIC Call for Proposals now open!
ERIC Forum Position Paper on the Development of KPIs for Research Infrastructures
ERICs’ regulation and operational issues discussed at the 1st Italian ERIC Forum
CESSDA Webinar: The GDPR and research one year on: experiences across Europe
Data FAIRness in Environmental & Earth Science Infrastructures: theory and practice
RI-PATHS Workshops
ERIC Forum Implementation Project: Kick off meeting
4th ERIC Forum Meeting – Oslo, Norway
Thank you.
We are deeply grateful to everyone who came to #Brussels for the #ERICForum Annual Meeting.
Meeting you in person - whether for the first time or after a long journey together - is truly special!
Very glad to see that @ctao_universe has joined the @ERIC_forum !! 🥂
There are 29 European Research Infrastructure Consortia to date! 🥂
We are delighted to announce that #EuroBioImaging and @ELIXIREurope, the European life science data infrastructure, have renewed their strategic collaboration 🤝 at the @ERICForum Annual Meeting in Brussels this week.
Learn more about what this means for our organisations & our…