07 – 08 May 2019, Research Council of Norway
On May 7th, representatives of current and future ERICs will come together for the 4thERIC Forum meeting, which will take place at the Research Council of Norway in Oslo.
The first day of the meeting will include presentations and updates from some of the project’ stakeholders. This includes the European Commission’s developments with regards to topics of interest to the ERIC community, ESFRI’s latest advancements and more.
This year, the meeting will incorporate also the 2ndmeeting of the ERIC Forum Implementation Project on May 8th. Following the kick off in Amsterdam on January 31st, project partners will present the current status of each work package as well as the upcoming steps and deliverables.
- About the ERIC Forum
The ERIC Forum’s mission is to identify common challenges in various fields among the Research Infrastructures subject to ERIC regulations, develop solutions that can be implemented and used by different RIs and set up best practices and guideline for future ERICs.
- Registration and Program
The meeting will bring together the ERIC Forum project partners, future ERICs as well as representatives from the EC, the Research Council of Norway and ESFRI.
We kindly ask the participants to register here. The meeting agenda can be found here.
- Meeting venue
The meeting will take place at the Research Council of Norway.
You can find in this document all the necessary information on how to reach the meeting venue through various means of transportation.
- Accommodation
You can find suggestions of hotels here.
- Contact
For more information, contact:
Nina Bakanova, CESSDA ERIC: nina.bakanova@cessda.eu
Volker Rohling, ECCSEL ERIC: volker.rohling@ntnu.no