The ERIC Forum has recently established a partnership with Gender Equality Academy (GE Academy) to offer an introductory training to ERICs on GEP, free of charge. GE Academy is a Horizon 2020 project developing and implementing a high-quality capacity-building programme on gender equality in research, innovation and higher education.
Gender Equality Plans (GEP) will become mandatory for public organizations, research organizations and higher education establishmentsparticipating in Horizon Europe as of 2022. For that, an introductory training on GEP will take place on 28, 29 and 30 of June 2021, each day from 14.00 to 15.30 CEST.
The training will have limited capacity and we can only accommodate from 1 to 2 people per ERIC/ERIC-to-be.
If you would like to participate, please fill in this expression of interest by May 18th EOB at the latest.
For more information, feel free to contact Anne-Charlotte Fauvel, EATRIS Head of European Affairs and WP3 lead,