ECRIN coordinated projects PedCRIN and PERMIT support researchers working in both paediatrics and personalised medicine through the development of tools, support of clinical research projects or the development of recommendations to ensure scientific excellence.
About PedCRIN (Paediatric Clinical Research Infrastructure Network):
The PedCRIN project was launched in 2017 to develop capacity for the management of paediatric non-commercial clinical trials. Through the project, three clinical trials were funded and received support to expand across Europe. The expansion enabled access to a larger pool of patients and the greater applicability of the ensuing results. Through the PedCRIN project over 20 tools were developed to empower the paediatric research community. They focus on issues ranging from patient meeting guides, the collection and storage of biological samples, the data collection and analysis by age group, pharmacovigilance in the neonatal population and more.
- About PedCRINsupport to clinical trials: here
- About PedCRIN tools for the setup and management of paediatric clinical trials: here
About PERMIT (PERsonaized MedicIne Trials):
The PERMIT project looks to develop recommendations for robust and reproducible personalised medicine taking into consideration the full personalised medicine chain. After conducting a scoping review where gaps in the existing literature were identified, the consortium is now meeting with experts and stakeholders involved in the different stages of personalised medicine to address the gaps and develop recommendations on methodological standards to ensure the scientific excellence, validity, robustness and reproducibility of results, and the acceptability of the results generated by personalised medicine programmes.