03th August 2020. The ERIC Forum submitted its response to the online public consultation launched by the European Commission on the roadmap towards the communication on the future of Research & Innovation and the ERA (European Research Area).

This consultation aims at strengthening the ERA communication to:
• make it future-proof,
• make it better able to address the major challenges of the digital and green transition,
• and increase Europe’s resilience following the Covid-19 crisis.

The response of the ERIC Forum is available through its position paper on the future of the ERA. It was developed following the invitation received from the ERAC working group in 2019 to provide a written answer to the key questions related to the draft narrative.

The ERIC Forum plays an important role in the implementation of the ERA. It groups together all European Research Infrastructure Consortia, which are the backbone of the ERA considering the added value they bring to its development through scientific and technological contributions.

ERICs provide the European research community with access to resources and cutting-edge facilities, thus supporting scientific excellence and responding to global requirements in all research fields. Moreover, ERICs support mobility of researchers and knowledge across the ERA, and promote collaboration between countries.