RI-PATHS Webinars: A European framework for socio-economic impact of research infrastructures: A way forward”.

RI-PATHS Webinars: A European framework for socio-economic impact of research infrastructures: A way forward”.
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Event Overview

The RI-PATHS project team is pleased to invite research infrastructures, funding agencies, policy makers, impact analysts and other potential user communities to three dedicated online webinars tackling the theme “A European framework for socio-economic impact of research infrastructures: A way forward”.

  • 22 June (10:00-13:00) – Panel discussion with RIs: “Advances in the field of socio-economic impact assessment of Research Infrastructures: what it helps in practice?” Register here
  • 24 June (14:30-16:30) Panel discussion with policy makers: “Next steps in mainstreaming sound and feasible impact assessment requirements for RIs” Register here
  • 29 June (10:00-13:00) – Pilot project presentations “Spotlight on impact pathway insights: what RIs have learned about their impact and impact study requirements?”  Register here

Funded by the European Union’s research and innovation programme Horizon 2020, the RI-PATHS project develops a framework for describing the socio-economic impacts of research infrastructures. Since January 2018, EFIS Centre, CSIL, ESF, Fraunhofer ISI, and four major European Research FacilitiesELIXIR, CERN, ALBA and DESY have worked together in developing guidance material and practical tools for helping research infrastructures, policy makers and funders to scope and assess their impact on economy and contribution to society.

The goal of these webinars is to discuss with stakeholders the final outcomes of the project activities, present learning from research infrastructure pilot projects and to launch a broader policy discussion on how the knowledge generated in this field can be put into practice. We warmly invite you to join the RI-PATHS webinars of your interest and take a forward-looking view discussing the future for socio-economic impact analysis of research infrastructures.

Webinars will be held via the GoToMeeting platform. Link to access the webinar will be sent to all registered participants. The events are free of charge.



When & Where

  • From: 22 June 2020   00:00
  • To: 29 June 2020 00:00
  • Location: Online

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