ERIC Forum Project – 1st Internal Newsletter: Considerations from the Project Coordinator
The environment around Research Infrastructures and ERICs in particular is constantly changing. From the reorganization of DG RTD, to the mandate of the new Commissioner, from the ESFRI work on KPIs to the new High Level Expert Group on RIs effectiveness and sustainability, as well as the development of the new Framework Programme Horizon Europe. The science policy panorama around the ERICs is changing fast.
It could be difficult to showcase the importance and relevance of Research Infrastructures and ERICs in particular. However, the project has been providing considerable support to the Forum and the Chairs, beyond the deliverables and milestones. Several WPs showed flexibility and quick reflexes, adapting their workload to help the Forum respond to the inputs from the aforementioned changing environment.
As an example, WP4 advanced a key deliverable to be able to respond to the ESFRI’s ad hoc working group on monitoring, and produced the first ever ERIC Forum joint position paper. Also, WP6 have added tasks to its workload, facilitating the creation of the Forum position paper on the new ERA narrative.
These are important signals showing that the project and the Forum are maturing together and finding the right symbiotic relationship that was aimed for. This is, in great measure, merit of the current Chairs: CESSDA and ECCSEL took part to several project meetings, to help coordinating key activities, and provided their guidance and support in countless small and big tasks (not last, framing the conversation about the new Forum governance by promoting the Directors’ meeting scheduled for the next 16thOctober). Their leadership and helpfulness were crucial for the successes of the Forum and the project in the last year.