Policy Briefs



  • September 2020  1st ERIC Forum policy brief ”Funding models for access to ERIC multinational / transnational services(download it here).


This brief, entitled “Funding models for access to ERIC multinational / transnational services” focuses on the funding instruments that allow ERICs to provide access to services and to support multinational research. The recommendations put forth in this policy brief reflect the exchange of the Forum with funding bodies that took place during the ERIC Forum Policy Seminar on September 14-15. These recommendations are directed to the funding bodies at a national, regional and European level who support the operation of the ERICs and access to their services, and aim to stimulate a stronger, long-lasting dialogue and more efficient synergies between funding sources. This brief also provides insight into ERICs and other RIs for the optimal use of existing funding instruments, and for the advancement of their visibility in the research communities.

The brief presents the ERIC experience using the following funding instruments, as well as the recommendations and opportunities that lie ahead as these mechanisms evolve :

  • National funding schemes
  • ERA-NETs and EJP mechanisms
  • ERDF funds for cross-border projects and RI development
  • The ERC funding scheme
  • Horizon 2020 and Public Private Partnerships (with outlooks on Horizon Europe)
  • Transnational Access Mechanisms
  • Short term mobility and fellowships

A “one pager” has also been put together, with the main recommendations and conclusions of the policy brief. You can access it here.



  • January 2022  2nd ERIC Forum policy brief ”Scaling-Up Research Projects Through ERICs: Impact of Big Science on The Research Ecosystem(download it here).


This policy brief, entitled ” Scaling-Up Research Projects Through ERICs: Impact of Big Science on The Research Ecosystem” showcases the pivotal role of Research Infrastructures (RIs) and ERICs in particular in the European research development and innovation ecosystem. It also highlights the scientific and societal impact of the big investments made in European science through the RIs and their diverse modes of tackling scientific and societal challenges.

A two pager summary is also available here, with an overview on the main recommendations and conclusions of the policy brief.