Antje Keppler's Interview for the ERA Conference
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About the ERIC Forum


About the Second Implementation Project


The ERIC Landscape


Advancing ERICs

The ERIC Forum Implementation Project, now in its second edition, brings together the ERIC community to strengthen its coordination and enhance its collaborations. The strategic approach of the ERIC Forum will contribute to addressing critical challenges and developing best practices. The European Union’s Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe Action fund the projects.

The major objectives of the ERIC Forum Implementation Projects are to:

  • strengthen coordination and networking, reinforcing the ERIC network;
  • support the organisation of specific meetings, targeted thematic workshops focussing on shared challenges such as the development of internal procurement rules, harmonised reporting, VAT exemption practices, insurances and pensions policies and training of governance bodies representatives;
  • support ERICs in preparation, based on best practices;
  • support common communication and outreach activities and strengthen the external representation of ERICs as a stakeholder in consultations and other policy actions that could affect them.


Toolkit section



ERA Conference Fostering 2024

“ERA is a wonderful concept”

With these opening words from Janez Potočnik, former Commissioner for Science and Research (2004–2010), the ERA Stakeholder Conference 2024 began. The ERIC Forum, alongside more than 15 key projects and entities contributing to improving the European Research Area (ERA), participated in the event.   The European Research Area is more than just an inspiring idea; … Continue reading "“ERA is a wonderful concept”" ...
ERIC Forum Bi-annual Meeting

The ERIC Forum 2 hosts its bi-annual virtual meeting

On September 19, the ERIC Forum 2 presented key deliverables and important updates to the project partners, ERICs, and ERIC-to-be members   In addition to its annual in-person meeting, the ERIC Forum 2 project is committed to hosting bi-annual virtual meetings. During this session, three presentations updated participants on creation of an online platform to … Continue reading "The ERIC Forum 2 hosts its bi-annual virtual meeting" ...

The ERICs has a strategic asset in the ERA

Five years after the establishment of the first ERIC, another 15 were ready to sign the Memorandum of Understanding, marking the birth of the ERIC Forum. Since then, the community has further strengthened, becoming one of the leading voices in European science policy. In this interview, Antje Keppler, Chair of the ERIC Forum, explains why … Continue reading "The ERICs has a strategic asset in the ERA" ...
ERA Conference Fostering 2024

At the “ERA: Fostering Greater Integration. Advancing Competitiveness” Conference

On September 18-19, Brussels will host the “European Research Area: Fostering Greater Integration. Advancing Competitiveness” Conference. The ERIC Forum will be present with a stand, representing the commitment and contributions of all ERICs in advancing the ERA Policy Agenda.   The European Research Area (ERA) embodies the vision of creating a single, borderless market for … Continue reading "At the “ERA: Fostering Greater Integration. Advancing Competitiveness” Conference" ...
Gender Equality Webinars

Promoting Gender Equality in the ERIC Forum

Three upcoming webinars, conducted through Work Package 9 Team will take place this autumn, promoting familiarity among all ERIC personnel with gender equality matters such as unconscious bias, undesirable behaviors and sex & gender dimension in research   As part of Task 9.1 – Implementation of Gender Equality Plans and Gender Mainstreaming among the ERICs … Continue reading "Promoting Gender Equality in the ERIC Forum" ...

Fostering ERICs as strategic assets for the European Research Area 

  Antje Keppler (ERIC Forum Chair), Michael Arentoft (DG Research & Innovation) and Anna Panagopoulou (Director of ERA & Innovation, DG Research & Innovation) at the meeting for fostering the ERICs   On June 19th, representatives of ERICs and ERIC Forum, along with ERIC Committee members from EU Member States and Anna Panagopoulou and Michael … Continue reading "Fostering ERICs as strategic assets for the European Research Area " ...

How to address the challenges related to the ERIC Regulation and its implementation

Since the establishment of the Regulation on a Community legal framework for European Research Infrastructure Consortiums (ERICs) in 2009, the ERIC regulation has served as a cornerstone for the setup of research infrastructures across Europe. The ERIC concept has played a pivotal role in implementing the European Research Area (ERA), providing a clear legal framework … Continue reading "How to address the challenges related to the ERIC Regulation and its implementation" ...

The ERIC Community celebrates its 2 newest members at the BE Presidency Conference

  During the BE Presidency Conference “Research Infrastructures in a Changing Global, Environmental, and Socio-economic Context,” the ERIC Forum and ERICs were emphasised for their strategic value and the new ERICs LOFAR and INFRAFRONTIER were officially awarded the ERIC plate, while ACTRIS signed a Memorandum of Understanding, marking its entry as official ERIC Forum member. … Continue reading "The ERIC Community celebrates its 2 newest members at the BE Presidency Conference" ...

10th Framework Programme: Position paper published

A new position paper about the role of European Research Infrastructure Consortiums (ERICs) in the European Commission’s next funding programme has been published. The 10th Framework Programme (FP10) is due to be implemented from 2028-35 and follows on from the success of Horizon 2020 (FP8) and Horizon Europe (FP9) programmes. Published by the ERIC Forum … Continue reading "10th Framework Programme: Position paper published" ...

The ERIC Forum’s Annual Meeting

  “The ERIC Forum started with just a handful of ERICs. Now look around: there are more than twenty ERICs represented here.”   With these words, Antje Keppler, ERIC Forum Chair, kicked off the Annual Meeting. Thanks to BBMRI-ERIC’s organisation, representatives of 28 ERICs and ERICs-to-be gathered with exponents of the European Commission, the EOSC … Continue reading "The ERIC Forum’s Annual Meeting" ...

The Annual Meeting is here

On February 27 and 28, representatives of 28 ERICs and ERICs-to-be, alongside representatives from the European Commission, the EOSC Association, ESFRI, and EU Member States, will gather in Brussels to convene for the ERIC Forum Annual Meeting. The face-to-face meeting is dedicated to progressing the Eric Forum Project and the General Assembly. It is also … Continue reading "The Annual Meeting is here" ...

Union is strength

“The best science is collaborative, and the best collaborative science happens through EU framework programmes.”   This perspective of Prof. Rory Fitzgerald, Director of the European Social Survey ERIC, was provided as the UK’s new participation in Horizon Europe, officially launched yesterday, February 12th 2024. It is excellent news for the ERIC Forum since the … Continue reading "Union is strength" ...

Eric Forum 2 officially kicks off!

Friday 15 September saw the official, online, kick-off meeting (KOM) of ERIC Forum 2 (EF2). Following the successful set-up and implementation of the ERIC Forum (2019 to 2022), EF2 will consolidate its achievements and expand coordination and cooperation among the ERICs. The project focuses on supporting the implementation of ERIC regulation and services and consolidating … Continue reading "Eric Forum 2 officially kicks off!" ...

ERIC Forum Contribution to ESFRI Landscape Analysis

– April 2023   25 European Research Infrastructure Consortia (ERICs) have been set up officially by the EC. As key pillars of the European Research Area (ERA) they are providing their services to researchers across all scientific domains as well as operational users and industry. ERICs are financed  by their member states for their basic … Continue reading "ERIC Forum Contribution to ESFRI Landscape Analysis" ...

Public consultation on the past, present and future of the European Research & Innovation Framework programmes 2014-2027

ERIC Forum Position Paper Regarding the “Public consultation on the past, present and future of the European Research & Innovation Framework programmes 2014-2027”   – February 2023   1. Introduction  In December 2022, the European Commission (EC) launched their largest public consultation on the past, present and future of the European research and innovation programmes. … Continue reading "Public consultation on the past, present and future of the European Research & Innovation Framework programmes 2014-2027" ...

Comments in view of the third Commission Report to the Council and the European Parliament on the implementation of the ERIC Regulation

Comments in view of the third Commission Report to the Council and the European Parliament on the implementation of the ERIC Regulation Template for the ERIC Committee Taking into account the EGERIC assessment and the subsequent Stakeholders workshop, the ERIC Committee delegations are invited to provide their views on the implementation of the ERIC Regulation … Continue reading "Comments in view of the third Commission Report to the Council and the European Parliament on the implementation of the ERIC Regulation" ...

Official launch of the ERIC Forum Toolkit

  The ERIC Forum Toolkit has been officially released!   The purpose of the ERIC Forum Toolkit is to collect the wealth of knowledge accumulated during the ERIC Forum in a user-friendly online platform.   On the site, you’ll find answers to most practical questions relevant to ERICs, including financing, administration, human resources, communication, impact … Continue reading "Official launch of the ERIC Forum Toolkit" ...

General Assembly and final meeting of the ERIC Forum Implementation Project 2022

– The ERIC Forum General Assembly and Final Meeting of the ERIC Forum Implementation Project was held online and onsite in Brussels on 11-12 October 2022. It brought together 61 participants from 35 different organisations (the ERIC community, policy makers and key stakeholders) to discuss, among other topics, Research Infrastructures’ visibility in national landscapes, engagement with national … Continue reading "General Assembly and final meeting of the ERIC Forum Implementation Project 2022" ...

The ERIC Forum is pleased to announce the release of its third policy report

  The ERIC Forum is pleased to announce the release of its third policy report ”ASSESSING THE SOCIO-ECONOMIC IMPACT OF ERICS: Paving the way towards evaluating the full value and contribution of RIs to resilient knowledge-based economies”  –   The objective of this third ERIC Forum Policy Report is to bring together ERICs with their national … Continue reading "The ERIC Forum is pleased to announce the release of its third policy report" ...

Read the presentation: ERIC Forum and ELIXIR side event at ICRI 2022: ‘‘Research Infrastructures’ contribution to SDGs: Enabling excellent science in service of society’’

  19 October from 19:00 to 20:30, Room Large 3 (Hotel Passage)   The ERIC Forum WP5 (Communication and Dissemination), in collaboration with ELIXIR, organised a hybrid side event on 19 October 2022 in the frame of ICRI 2022 (International Conference on Research Infrastructures).  The event brought together policy makers, Research Infrastructures and the general … Continue reading "Read the presentation: ERIC Forum and ELIXIR side event at ICRI 2022: ‘‘Research Infrastructures’ contribution to SDGs: Enabling excellent science in service of society’’" ...

The Gender Equality Working Group

  OVERVIEW Gender Equality Plans (GEPs) became mandatory for public organisations, research organisations and higher education establishments participating in Horizon Europe.  The ERIC Forum’s Gender Equality Working Group (WG) was formed in June 2021, initially triggered by the newly established GEP eligibility in Horizon Europe, a strategic funding programme for ERICs. The objectives of the … Continue reading "The Gender Equality Working Group" ...

ERIC Forum survey for Research Infrastructures’ medium-term sustainability planning

  WP4 of the ERIC Forum Implementation Project (Evaluation and Impact Assessment) is mapping out and supporting the shaping of the medium-term sustainability planning in European Research Infrastructures Consortia. ► For that, we invite the managerial staff of either established or preparatory-phase ERICs, to submit their input in this survey. The preliminary results and recommendations will … Continue reading "ERIC Forum survey for Research Infrastructures’ medium-term sustainability planning" ...

MIRRI is officially established as an ERIC

The Microbial Resource Research Infrastructure (MIRRI), the pan-European distributed Research Infrastructure for the preservation, systematic investigation, provision and valorisation of microbial resources and biodiversity, has been granted the legal status of European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ERIC) by the European Commission (EC). MIRRI thus becomes the 24th Research Infrastructure to be established as an ERIC. ► The commission … Continue reading "MIRRI is officially established as an ERIC" ...

ERIC Forum at PARI 2022, the Public Awareness of Research Infrastructures conference

– The ERIC Forum is taking part in the 4th edition of PARI, Public Awareness of Research Infrastructures conference, which will be held on 18-20 July 2022. The presentation will tackle the societal role and impact of European Research Infrastructure Consortia (ERICs), as well as ERICs’ impact on European employment.  The session is organised in the … Continue reading "ERIC Forum at PARI 2022, the Public Awareness of Research Infrastructures conference" ...

ERIC Forum at ESOF 2022: Research Infrastructures’ Contribution to Environmental Sustainability’

  The ERIC Forum WP5 (Communication and Dissemination) is organising a panel discussion in the frame of ESOF2022 around Research Infrastructures’ contribution to environmental sustainability. The event will be held online (hosted on the ESOF conference virtual platform) on 15 July from 15:45 to 17:00 CEST (in virtual online room 1), within theme n.1 ‘A sustainable environment’ as … Continue reading "ERIC Forum at ESOF 2022: Research Infrastructures’ Contribution to Environmental Sustainability’" ...

Read the ERIC Forum article in the ICRI 2022 Blog: the ERIC legal form, the ERIC community, the ERIC Forum and more

What is an ERIC? ERIC – The European Research Infrastructure Consortium is a legal framework introduced in 2009 to support the establishment and operation of large-scale research infrastructures of pan-European interest. The ERIC community has been expanding in the last ten years, and until May 2022, it counts 23 established ERICs and almost 10 European … Continue reading "Read the ERIC Forum article in the ICRI 2022 Blog: the ERIC legal form, the ERIC community, the ERIC Forum and more" ...

Read the presentation ► ERIC Forum webinar ‘Best practices guidance on contracting, insurance and intellectual property for ERICs’

  Work Package 3 of the ERIC Forum project (Operations, Administration, HR and Finance of ERICs) organised a 1-hour webinar on May 18th 2022 to report on the deliverable “Best practices guidance document on contracting, insurance and intellectual property for ERICs”. The webinar was hosted by Lorna Ryan, Research Manager at the European Social Survey ERIC, and was … Continue reading "Read the presentation ► ERIC Forum webinar ‘Best practices guidance on contracting, insurance and intellectual property for ERICs’" ...

Register now ► ERIC Forum webinar ‘ERICs as attractive international employers: the case of RESAVER pension fund’

  The ERIC Forum Work Package 3 (Operations, Administration, HR and Finance of ERICs) is organising a webinar on the RESAVER Pension Fund in collaboration with the European Commission. The event will be held online on 10th June 2022 from 10:30 to 12:30 CEST. The webinar will further explore the opportunities brought by the RESAVER Pension … Continue reading "Register now ► ERIC Forum webinar ‘ERICs as attractive international employers: the case of RESAVER pension fund’" ...

ERIC Forum Achievements: What’s in it for the ERIC community

Introduction The ERIC Forum was formed in 2017 and brings together the ERIC community with the aim of strengthening its coordination, advancing ERICs’ operations, collectively responding to common challenges, and effectively interacting with the European Commission and key stakeholders. The Forum also strategically contributes to the development of ERIC related policies, making it one of … Continue reading "ERIC Forum Achievements: What’s in it for the ERIC community" ...

Register now ► ERIC Forum webinar “Best practices guidance on contracting, insurance and intellectual property for ERICs”

– 18 May, 11:30 CEST   WP3 of the ERIC Forum project (Operations, Administration, HR and Finance of ERICs) will organise a 1-hour webinar on May 18th 2022 at 11:30 CEST to report on the deliverable “Best practices guidance document on contracting, insurance and intellectual property for ERICs” followed by time for discussion. The webinar … Continue reading "Register now ► ERIC Forum webinar “Best practices guidance on contracting, insurance and intellectual property for ERICs”" ...

Overview: ERIC Forum Policy Seminar on Socio-Economic Impact of ERICs

  The Second ERIC Forum Policy Seminar on the Socio-Economic Impact (SEI) of ERICs took place virtually on April 29th 2022. It brought together more than 90 participants from Research Infrastructures and ERICs, with their national, regional and European stakeholders and collaborators, including funding and policy-making bodies as well as relevant projects and entities working on … Continue reading "Overview: ERIC Forum Policy Seminar on Socio-Economic Impact of ERICs" ...

ERIC Forum and EU-Life Exchange on Gender Equality Plans (GEPs)

  The ERIC Forum Working Group (WG) on Gender Equality Plan (GEP) and the EU-LIFE Gender Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Working Group are organising a joint seminar on 12th May from 14:30 to 16:00 CEST. The session is open to members of the respective working groups, and aims to facilitate the exchange on challenges and solutions on the implementation … Continue reading "ERIC Forum and EU-Life Exchange on Gender Equality Plans (GEPs)" ...

ERICs’ collaborations with Ukrainian Institutions and Scientists

The ERIC Forum has launched a webpage grouping ERICs’ collaborations with Ukrainian Institutions and Scientists. It also provides an overview on the current opportunities aiming to support researchers of Ukraine.   ► The webpage is available here.  ...

About ERA4Ukraine

The European Commission has launched ERA4Ukraine, a specific initiative aiming to support researchers of Ukraine by providing them with an overview of all existing actions at European and national levels (job opportunities, recognition of diplomas, and more). ► Explore the platform.  ...

Statement by the ERIC Forum Executive Board on Ukraine Situation

– The Executive Board of the Forum of European Research Infrastructures Consortia (ERIC Forum ExBo) condemns the aggression of Russia on Ukraine. The war will have a global impact, with very tragic consequences of the Ukrainian population. We hope for a swift and diplomatic resolution of the conflict.   We stand in solidarity with the … Continue reading "Statement by the ERIC Forum Executive Board on Ukraine Situation" ...

AnaEE is officially established as an ERIC

After ten years of development, AnaEE (Analysis and Experimentation on Ecosystems) is officially created as a European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ERIC). AnaEE entered in the ESFRI Roadmap in 2010, as an RI contributing to both Health & Food and Environment science sectors, and it is now acknowledged as a landmark. The European Commission signed the Implementing … Continue reading "AnaEE is officially established as an ERIC" ...

Watch now ► ERIC Forum Webinar “Personnel of ERICs: challenges and best practices”

  WP3 of the ERIC Forum project (Operations, Administration, HR and Finance of ERICs) organised a 1-hour webinar on 18th February to report on the deliverable “Best practices guidelines in employment and secondment for ERICs”. The event brought together both established ERICs and ERICs in the preparatory phase to share best practices and discuss common challenges on … Continue reading "Watch now ► ERIC Forum Webinar “Personnel of ERICs: challenges and best practices”" ...

Overview on the ERIC Forum Meeting 2022

The first ERIC Forum Meeting 2022 took place virtually on 26-27 January. It brought together more than 145 participants from the Forum’s key stakeholders, including the European Commission, ministries of research, ESFRI, Research Infrastructures (RIs) and ERIC communities, and more.  The two-days event was divided into open and closed sessions: Open sessions: Enriched by the … Continue reading "Overview on the ERIC Forum Meeting 2022" ...

The ERIC Forum is pleased to announce the release of its second policy brief

– The ERIC Forum is pleased to announce the release of its second policy brief. – This policy brief, entitled ” Scaling-Up Research Projects Through ERICs: Impact of Big Science on The Research Ecosystem” showcases the pivotal role of Research Infrastructures (RIs) and ERICs in particular in the European research development and innovation ecosystem. It also highlights the scientific … Continue reading "The ERIC Forum is pleased to announce the release of its second policy brief" ...

Read the presentation ►EGERIC Report and Recommendations: Presentation to the ERIC Forum community

– – EGERIC, the Commission expert group to assess the implementation of the ERIC Regulation and identify best practices and potential recommendations, presented its Report and Recommendations to the ERIC Forum community on 17 January 2022. The online session aimed to discuss and collect the ERIC Forum community’s feedback on the report, in preparation for the … Continue reading "Read the presentation ►EGERIC Report and Recommendations: Presentation to the ERIC Forum community" ...

Watch now ► Webinar on Procurement Rules, VAT Exemption Practices and Economic Activities

 – – Work Package 3 of the ERIC Forum Project (Operations, Administration, HR and Finance of ERICs) organised a 1-hour webinar on December 16th to report on the deliverable “Procurement rules, VAT exemption practices and economic activities”. The webinar was open to the ERIC community (both established ERICs and ERICs-in-preparation), and was hosted by CERIC-ERIC’s Chief Administrative Officer Andrea … Continue reading "Watch now ► Webinar on Procurement Rules, VAT Exemption Practices and Economic Activities" ...

Register now ► ERIC Forum Meeting 2022

– The upcoming ERIC Forum meeting will be held online on 26-27 January 2022. It will bring together the ERIC community and key stakeholders to discuss, among other topics, ERICs’ sustainability and role in the European Research & Innovation panorama, key conclusions of the EGERIC report, joint efforts to address key challenges in R&I. ► The program is available here. Register here. ...

New ERA conference summary report and recommendations

The new ERA conference was built around stakeholders’ involvement with the aim to identify and voice existing needs, and formulate realistic recommendations that would facilitate implementation of the renewed ERA policy objectives. The Conference’s goals were to improve understanding of the ERA, increase linkages between stakeholder communities and develop a common understanding of their needs, … Continue reading "New ERA conference summary report and recommendations" ...

Deadline Extension of ESOF2022 Call for Proposals

  The Call for Proposals for the 2022 edition of the EuroScience Open Forum is now open. Until 30 November 2021, the ESOF2022 submission platform will be available to receive proposals for sessions and posters.     About ESOF 2022 “Crossing Borders, Engaged Science, Resilient Societies”: ESOF is the largest interdisciplinary scientific conference in Europe, founded by … Continue reading "Deadline Extension of ESOF2022 Call for Proposals" ...

Survey: Assessment of ERICs’ Socio-economic Impact

– Call to the ERIC community (established ERICs and ERICs-in-preparation):   Task 4.3 of the ERIC Forum implementation project (Socio-Economic Impact Assessment Practices) is mapping out how the assessing of socio-economic impact of established ERICs and those in the preparatory phase is taking place. For that, information about measuring and defining the socio-economic impact, including the … Continue reading "Survey: Assessment of ERICs’ Socio-economic Impact" ...

EGERIC Report: Assessment on the implementation of the ERIC Regulation

– The Council Regulation on the Community legal framework for a European Research Infrastructure Consortium (the ‘ERIC Regulation’) adopted in 2009 and amended in 2013 aims to facilitate the establishment and the operation of large European Research Infrastructures. As of September 2021, the Commission has granted the ERIC status to 22 research infrastructures. This report … Continue reading "EGERIC Report: Assessment on the implementation of the ERIC Regulation" ...

Read now ► ERIC Forum report on Quality Management and Reproducibility in Academic Research

The ERIC Forum report on Quality Management and Reproducibility in Academic Research provides an overview of the factors limiting reproducibility and the quality of academic research, and presents possible solutions and change in research practices that could lead to improvements. Observations made in the present report are drawn from an online workshop organised by ERIC … Continue reading "Read now ► ERIC Forum report on Quality Management and Reproducibility in Academic Research" ...

How ERICs Contribute to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Overview: Research Infrastructures are considered one of the success stories of the European Research Area (ERA), and have transformed the way science is done as they facilitate access to large-scale facilities to perform excellent and ground-breaking research. The ERIC community has been expanding in the last 10 years and until now it counts 23 established ERICs … Continue reading "How ERICs Contribute to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)" ...

Save the date and Register now ► ERIC Forum at the new ERA Conference session on ‘ERA for Research Infrastructures’

27 October 2021, Online / Brdo Congress Center, Brdo pri Kranju, Slovenia – The ERIC Forum Chair will be taking part in the new ERA conference on 27 October 2021, at the breakout session 1 ”ERA for Research Infrastructures”.   The session aims to bring together various stakeholders to discuss the bottlenecks faced by the RIs. It … Continue reading "Save the date and Register now ► ERIC Forum at the new ERA Conference session on ‘ERA for Research Infrastructures’" ...

BBMRI, EATRIS and ECRIN will launch EU-AMRI, the European Alliance of Medical Research Infrastructures

– – About EU-AMRI: The European Alliance of Medical Research Infrastructures (EU-AMRI) is the result of the collaboration between three European research infrastructures, namely EATRIS-ERIC (focused on translational medicine), ECRIN-ERIC (focused on multinational clinical research) and BBMRI-ERIC (focused on biobanking and biomolecular resources). It aims to provide complementary services to researchers in the field of … Continue reading "BBMRI, EATRIS and ECRIN will launch EU-AMRI, the European Alliance of Medical Research Infrastructures" ...

How BBMRI-ERIC supports the biobanking community during the pandemic?

When the pandemic hit Europe in spring 2020, BBMRI-ERIC, the European research infrastructure for biobanking and biomolecular resources, responded quickly. BBMRI understood the responsibility not only to its community of 21 member states but also to those working in biobanks around the world as it scrambled to combine knowhow to address this global problem.   … Continue reading "How BBMRI-ERIC supports the biobanking community during the pandemic?" ...

Overview: ERIC Forum at the Stakeholders’ Workshop on ERICs

  The Stakeholders’ workshop on ERICs was held on 13-14 September 2021, it was organized by the European Commission (DG RTD) and EGERIC (the Commission expert group to assess the implementation of the ERIC Regulation and identify best practices and potential recommendations).   Considering the added value of distributed Research Infrastructures in general as a … Continue reading "Overview: ERIC Forum at the Stakeholders’ Workshop on ERICs" ...

ECRIN supports paediatric clinical research and personalised medicine

– ECRIN coordinated projects PedCRIN and PERMIT support researchers working in both paediatrics and personalised medicine through the development of tools, support of clinical research projects or the development of recommendations to ensure scientific excellence.   About PedCRIN (Paediatric Clinical Research Infrastructure Network):  The PedCRIN project was launched in 2017 to develop capacity for the management … Continue reading "ECRIN supports paediatric clinical research and personalised medicine" ...

ERIC Forum at the Science Summit (UNGA76): Science Capacity Building | 29 Sept

– Save the date for the ERIC Forum’s presentation at the Science Summit where ERICs’ contribution to the UN SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) will be presented. The session will be held on 29 September at 10:00 CEST.   About the Science Summit at the UNGA76: The Science Summit at UNGA76 will be held from 14-30 Sept … Continue reading "ERIC Forum at the Science Summit (UNGA76): Science Capacity Building | 29 Sept" ...

Presentations available► Stakeholders’ Workshop on European Research Infrastructures Consortia (ERICs)

Stakeholders’ Workshop on European Research Infrastructures Consortia (ERICs) 13-14 September 2021, Online   Since the entry into force of the Regulation on European Research Infrastructures Consortia (ERICs) in 2009, the Commission granted the ERIC legal status to 22 research infrastructures. The Commission tasked an Expert Group ‘EGERIC’, chaired by Carlo Rizzuto, to assess the implementation of … Continue reading "Presentations available► Stakeholders’ Workshop on European Research Infrastructures Consortia (ERICs)" ...

Bosnia and Herzegovina joins DARIAH as full member

The General Assembly of the DARIAH ERIC recently voted unanimously to accept Bosnia and Herzegovina’s application for full membership in the Digital Research Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities. “It’s a real pleasure for me to welcome Bosnia and Herzegovina as DARIAH’s 20th member state” said DARIAH Director Toma Tasovac. “Every country that joins DARIAH … Continue reading "Bosnia and Herzegovina joins DARIAH as full member" ...

CERIC users presented the first evidence of microplastics in the Antarctic terrestrial food web.

Microplastics are plastic fragments below 1 millimeter in size, which can result from a variety of sources such as clothing, cosmetics, industrial processes and degradation of plastic items. They have been detected in air, water, and even in food. While their effects on human health are still under investigation, recent studies show that microplastics could … Continue reading "CERIC users presented the first evidence of microplastics in the Antarctic terrestrial food web." ...

CLARIN Services in the European Open Science Cloud

The CLARIN discovery service VLO (Virtual Language Observatory) is available also in the EOSC catalogue and allows to search through hundreds of thousands of language data and tools. These domain-specific (or thematic) services can be applied to the thousands of digitised language resources that are accessible online.  The CLARIN infrastructure helps discover the resources and to connect these data … Continue reading "CLARIN Services in the European Open Science Cloud" ...

Instruct Centre NeCEN collaborates with Janssen Vaccines & Prevention B.V in the development of a new SARS-CoV-2 vaccine 

Figure: Cryo-EM structure of the most abundant trimer class of S-closed-Fd-a closed S protein trimer on the left (PDB accession code: 7A4N) and the less representative open trimer class on the right (PDB accession code: 7AD1). Colored by local resolution cyan being the highest resolution and purple the lowest. – A team from Janssen Vaccines … Continue reading "Instruct Centre NeCEN collaborates with Janssen Vaccines & Prevention B.V in the development of a new SARS-CoV-2 vaccine " ...

5,429 academic publications based on European Social Survey data

Preliminary analysis of Google Scholar indexing has established that almost 5,500 academic publications include substantial use of European Social Survey (ESS) data (2003-20). Bibliographic monitoring of English-language publications only – undertaken annually by researchers at the University of Ljubljana – found that 516 of these articles were published in 2020 alone. Substantive use of ESS … Continue reading "5,429 academic publications based on European Social Survey data" ...

Discover LifeWatch ERIC EcoPortal, the repository of semantic resources for the ecological domain

In the last decade, ecological research groups and infrastructures have contributed to the production of core and domain ontologies, as well as controlled vocabularies to increase data discovery, integration and interoperability. To make the discovery and use of all these semantic resources easier, in 2020 LifeWatch ERIC developed and released the first version of EcoPortal, which … Continue reading "Discover LifeWatch ERIC EcoPortal, the repository of semantic resources for the ecological domain" ...

Using the EU-OPENSCREEN bioactives library

Using the EU-OPENSCREEN bioactives library: Identification of Inhibitors of SARS-CoV-2 3CL-Pro Enzymatic Activity Using a Small Molecule in Vitro Repurposing Screen: Compound repurposing is an important strategy for the identification of effective treatment options against SARS-CoV-2 infection and COVID-19 disease. The EU-OPENSCREEN high capacity screening partner site, Fraunhofer Institute for Translational Medicine and Pharmacology ITMP … Continue reading "Using the EU-OPENSCREEN bioactives library" ...

ERICs’ Annual Reports 2020

BBMRI-ERIC Annual report 2020: here CERIC-ERIC Annual report 2020: here CESSDA-ERIC Annual report 2020: here CLARIN-ERIC Annual report 2020: here DARIAH-ERIC Annual report 2020: here EATRIS-ERIC Annual report 2020: here ECRIN-ERIC Annual report 2020: here ECCSEL-ERIC Annual report 2020: here EMSO-ERIC Annual report 2020: (coming soon) European Social Survey ERIC Annual report 2020: here EURO-ARGO ERIC … Continue reading "ERICs’ Annual Reports 2020" ...

ESFRI Celebrates the election of Jana Kolar as its new Chair

ESFRI release, 01.07.2021 ESFRI is pleased to announce the election of Jana Kolar as the Forum’s next chair. Jana’s Term of Office will commence in January 2022 with a two years duration. After an in-depth analysis of her application and a comprehensive interview by the selection committee, it was concluded that Jana can be recommended … Continue reading "ESFRI Celebrates the election of Jana Kolar as its new Chair" ...

How the COVID-19 pandemic changed Research Infrastructures: An interview of Jan Hrušák, ESFRI Chair

Jan Hrušák, Chair of the European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI), was recently interviewed by Science Business, and dicussed the impact of the new circumstances imposed by the coronavirus pandemic on Research Infrastructures (RIs), among other pressing issues. – Big research labs are set to make a permanent feature of ‘needs must’ operational changes forced on them by the … Continue reading "How the COVID-19 pandemic changed Research Infrastructures: An interview of Jan Hrušák, ESFRI Chair" ...

ERIC Forum Online Toolbox Survey: Share your views

Tells us about your Research Infrastructure’s needs for the ERIC Forum toolbox on best practices: The ERIC Community (both established ERICs and ERICs-in-preparation) from different fields of expertise (finance, management, human resource, communication etc.) is invited to take part in this survey to help map the needs for the ERIC Forum online toolbox, which will offer support, materials … Continue reading "ERIC Forum Online Toolbox Survey: Share your views" ...

Overview ► Planning for Sustainability of Research Infrastructures

Research Infrastructures are considered one of the success stories of the European Research Area (ERA), and have transformed the way science is done as they facilitate access to large-scale facilities to perform excellent and ground-breaking research. Moreover, Research Infrastructures support in building bridges and linking communities across different regions, in Europe as well as globally, through … Continue reading "Overview ► Planning for Sustainability of Research Infrastructures" ...

ERIC Forum training on Gender Equality Plans (GEP)

The ERIC Forum has recently established a partnership with Gender Equality Academy (GE Academy) to offer an introductory training to ERICs on GEP, free of charge. GE Academy is a Horizon 2020 project developing and implementing a high-quality capacity-building programme on gender equality in research, innovation and higher education. Gender Equality Plans (GEP) will become mandatory … Continue reading "ERIC Forum training on Gender Equality Plans (GEP)" ...

ELI ERIC officially established by the European Commission

The establishment of the Extreme Light Infrastructure (ELI) ERIC opens the door for researchers, industry and countries to gain access to the world’s largest collection of super powerful and ultra-fast lasers for science. The European Commission has taken a long-anticipated decision to establish the Extreme Light Infrastructure (ELI) as a European Research Infrastructure Consortium, or … Continue reading "ELI ERIC officially established by the European Commission" ...

Watch now ►ERIC Forum Webinar: Guidance on Accounting Principles for ERICs

– The ERIC Forum WP3 (Operations, Administration, HR and Finance of ERICs) had organised a webinar on April 28th from 10:00 to 10:45 CET to provide guidance on accounting principles for ERICs. The webinar brought together the ERIC community (both established ERICs and ERICs-in-preparation) to discuss, among other topics, financial reporting practices, requirement for high level … Continue reading "Watch now ►ERIC Forum Webinar: Guidance on Accounting Principles for ERICs" ...

Register now ► Planning for Sustainability of Research Infrastructures

In the frame of the Horizon2020 projects ACCELERATE and the ERIC Forum Implementation Project, the event ”Planning for Sustainability of Research Infrastructures” will be held online on 25 May 2021. The event will bring to the fore the policy views, examples from operational Research Infrastructures (RIs) as well as planning instruments proposed by European projects, to … Continue reading "Register now ► Planning for Sustainability of Research Infrastructures" ...

ERIC Forum elects Francisco Colomer, JIVE ERIC Director, as new Chair

The ERIC Forum is pleased to announce the election of Francisco Colomer, Director of JIVE ERIC, as the new Chair of the ERIC Forum.   The new Chair, with the support of members from the Executive Board, will be in charge of the strategic management and planning of the ERIC Forum, strengthening its dialogue and relations … Continue reading "ERIC Forum elects Francisco Colomer, JIVE ERIC Director, as new Chair" ...

Italy joins the JIVE ERIC

As of March 12 2021, Italy has become a member of the JIVE ERIC, joining the Netherlands (represented by NWO), the UK (STFC), Sweden (VR), France (CNRS), Spain (IGN) and Latvia (MES). JIVE is also supported by institutes in South Africa (NRF), Germany (MPIfR) and China (NAOC).  JIVE is the operational centre of the European VLBI … Continue reading "Italy joins the JIVE ERIC" ...

EATRIS joins the EU Health Coalition

EATRIS has recently joined the EU Health Coalition as its 41st partner. EATRIS shares a common vision with the EU Health Coalition: to accelerate the translation of scientific discoveries into the best benefits for patients; the need for multi-stakeholder engagement and cross-sectoral collaboration is of the utmost importance. By joining the EU Health Coalition and … Continue reading "EATRIS joins the EU Health Coalition" ...

Workshop “Common Challenges and Actions for Distributed Research Infrastructures in Europe”

The European landscape of research infrastructures has evolved significantly over the past decades, namely by witnessing an increasing number of institutions, facilities and laboratories that have organized and consolidated their operations and services offered to the research community across countries. With this workshop we would like to invite the RI community to reflect on current … Continue reading "Workshop “Common Challenges and Actions for Distributed Research Infrastructures in Europe”" ...

RI-VIS publishes three white papers on international cooperation between Research Infrastructures

The RI-VIS project has just published three white papers that provide recommendations on how to increase collaboration between European research infrastructures and counterparts from Africa, Latin America and Australia. The papers are targeted at funders, policy makers and research infrastructure managers and collate the insights of 21 experts from research infrastructures and policymakers from the … Continue reading "RI-VIS publishes three white papers on international cooperation between Research Infrastructures" ...

ERIC Forum Meeting 2021 – Overview

– Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the first ERIC Forum Meeting 2021 took place virtually on 26-27 January. It brought together more than 170 participants from the ERIC community, ESFRI, the European Commission (DG RTD), the European Innovation Council, and more.    The event was divided in two distinct moments: Day 1: a set of … Continue reading "ERIC Forum Meeting 2021 – Overview" ...

ERIC Forum builds on achievements during 2020 and
 re-confirms Womersley and Ussi as Chairs

PRESS RELEASE (Download here the press release) 26.01.2021 BRUSSELS, 26TH JANUARY 2021 The leadership group that led the ERIC Forum through 2020 has been reconfirmed, following the results of the ERIC Forum internal election process, published on the 26th January 2021 in occasion of the ERIC Forum Annual Meeting. John Womersley (ESS) and Anton Ussi … Continue reading "ERIC Forum builds on achievements during 2020 and
 re-confirms Womersley and Ussi as Chairs" ...

ERIC Forum Cross-Domain Workshop on Research Quality and Reproducibility

As part of the ERIC Forum Implementation Project, the European Research Infrastructure for Translational Medicine (EATRIS) is organising a cross-domain workshop on February 10-11 2021 on the subject of quality and reproducibility in the research process. The workshop aims to bring together Research Infrastructures’ community, policy makers and funders to exchange best practices and explore … Continue reading "ERIC Forum Cross-Domain Workshop on Research Quality and Reproducibility" ...

Effect of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Working Practices of Analytical Facilities II

COVID-19 has a substantial impact on the operations of analytical facilities that serve external users.At the end of April 2020, only a third of the surveyed research infrastructures (RIs) reported that they maintained such user access activities; however, several had set up specific COVID-19 services and responded to travel limitations with a strong shift towards remote … Continue reading "Effect of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Working Practices of Analytical Facilities II" ...

The ERIC Forum meeting will be held on 26-27 January 2021

The upcoming ERIC Forum meeting will be held online on 26-27 January 2021. It will bring together the ERIC community and its stakeholders to discuss, among other topics, ERIC’s role in the new ERA (European Research Area), ERICs and the new ESFRI Stakeholder Forum, the ERIC guidelines, opportunities for ERICs at the EIC (European Innovation … Continue reading "The ERIC Forum meeting will be held on 26-27 January 2021" ...

Workshop on Impact Assessment, Evaluation and Monitoring of Research Infrastructures: The presentations are now available

16-17 December 2020, Online Recently, impact assessment and/or monitoring have been highlighted as an important element of long-term sustainability of research infrastructures by ESFRI, European Commission, Competitiveness Council as well as OECD. This has resulted in an adoption of a report Monitoring of Research Infrastructures Performance by ESFRI in 2019, and a focus on impact … Continue reading "Workshop on Impact Assessment, Evaluation and Monitoring of Research Infrastructures: The presentations are now available" ...

How science has been feeding into policy-making in the time of the COVID-19 pandemic?

Read the interview with Peter Piot, special advisor to the President of the European Commission on the response to the coronavirus and COVID-19, on how science has been feeding into policy-making. The full article is available here.    _ The pandemic has catapulted science to the forefront of policy-making Interview with Peter Piot, Director of the London School of … Continue reading "How science has been feeding into policy-making in the time of the COVID-19 pandemic?" ...

IV RICH Symposium: ‘Research Infrastructures as engines for maximising impact of Horizon Europe’

IV RICH Symposium entitled ‘Research Infrastructures as engines for maximising impact of Horizon Europe’ will take place virtually on 12-13 November 2020.  This Symposium aims to provide a comprehensive view of possibilities that the European RIs offer in terms of research resources – with particular attention to digital research resources- in order to ensure the maximum … Continue reading "IV RICH Symposium: ‘Research Infrastructures as engines for maximising impact of Horizon Europe’" ...

EFIS’ Interactive Toolkit on Socio-Economic Impact Assessment of Research Infrastructures

Article from the EFIS website, published on 19 October 2020: – Over the last decade, the EFIS Centre team has built up an in-depth experience on the topic of socio-economic impact assessment of research infrastructures. Our staff have participated in numerous studies covering this focus area both for individual infrastructures as well as at strategic … Continue reading "EFIS’ Interactive Toolkit on Socio-Economic Impact Assessment of Research Infrastructures" ...

ERIC Forum’s new Chair and Vice Chair elections: A call for ERICs

In view of the upcoming ERIC Forum Chair and Vice-Chair elections, ERICs are kindly invited to share their views and have their say with regards to the new election rules, as part of the general revision process of the Rules of Procedures (RoP). The draft amendment of the RoP was distributed through the ERIC Forum … Continue reading "ERIC Forum’s new Chair and Vice Chair elections: A call for ERICs" ...

The ERIC Forum is pleased to announce the release of its first policy brief

– The ERIC Forum is pleased to announce the release of its first policy brief. This brief, entitled “Funding models for access to ERIC multinational / transnational services” focuses on the funding instruments that allow ERICs to provide access to services and to support multinational research. The recommendations put forth in this policy brief reflect the … Continue reading "The ERIC Forum is pleased to announce the release of its first policy brief" ...

ERIC Forum Position Papers

  April 2024 ► ERIC The Role of ERICs in the 10th Framework Programme (FP10) (Read the paper here. Download it here).   April 2023 ► ERIC Forum Contribution to ESFRI Landscape Analysis (Read the paper here. Download it here).   February 2023 ► ERIC Forum Position paper on the ‘Public consultation on the past, present and future of the European Research & … Continue reading "ERIC Forum Position Papers" ...

European Research Infrastructure Consortia and COVID-19 Research

European Research Infrastructures, many of them organised as ERICs, are essential resource to the researchers studying the many aspects of the pandemics. Addressing issues such as development of the vaccine and medicines, insights into the social challenges, and the impact on environment, the ERICs support researchers to find solutions to the current crisis. Many of … Continue reading "European Research Infrastructure Consortia and COVID-19 Research" ...

EU missions – Call for ideas

Have you say on EU missions for adapting to climate change, conquering cancer, greener cities and healthy oceans and soils. How would you tackle adaptation to climate change? Got an idea to make cities greener? Care about healthy oceans, and healthy soils for food, people and the planet? Want to help conquer cancer? Now you can … Continue reading "EU missions – Call for ideas" ...

1st ERIC Forum Policy Seminar

14 – 15 September 2020, Online The first ERIC Forum Policy Seminar will be held online on 14 – 15 September. The seminar will focus on funding models for access to ERIC multinational/transnational services. It will provide a unique opportunity for EU and national policy makers to open a dialogue with the ERIC community regarding … Continue reading "1st ERIC Forum Policy Seminar" ...

Press release: Jens Habermann appointed Director General of BBMRI-ERIC

1st September 2020 The Assembly of Members of the Biobanking and BioMolecular resources Research Infrastructure – European Research Infrastructure Consortium (BBMRI-ERIC) appointed Professor Jens K. Habermann as new Director General. The distinguished scientist, clinician and recognized expert in biobanking, translational cancer research and human genetics will take office in Graz on September 1st, 2020. He … Continue reading "Press release: Jens Habermann appointed Director General of BBMRI-ERIC" ...

Input of the ERIC Forum to the Open Consultation for the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC)

 August 2020  The ERIC Forum supports the worldwide movement towards open science and looks forward to working closely with EOSC and other research infrastructures to make data (and computational services which generate or validate this data) available through the European Open Science Cloud. To contribute to the success of EOSC, ERIC Forum members commit to … Continue reading "Input of the ERIC Forum to the Open Consultation for the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC)" ...

ERIC Forum’s response to the public consultation on the future of the ERA (communication)

03th August 2020. The ERIC Forum submitted its response to the online public consultation launched by the European Commission on the roadmap towards the communication on the future of Research & Innovation and the ERA (European Research Area). This consultation aims at strengthening the ERA communication to: • make it future-proof, • make it better … Continue reading "ERIC Forum’s response to the public consultation on the future of the ERA (communication)" ...

Euro-BioImaging ERIC is now recruiting its Directorate

– Euro-BioImaging ERIC is now seeking to recruit the Directorate; Expressions of interest are therefore invited for the following roles: Director General, employed by and positioned at the Euro-BioImaging ERIC Statutory seat, Turku, Finland. Med-Hub Section Director, employed by CNR and positioned in Turin, Italy. Bio-Hub Section Director, employed by and positioned at EMBL, Heidelberg, Germany. … Continue reading "Euro-BioImaging ERIC is now recruiting its Directorate" ...

ERIC Forum’s New Corporate Brochure

– The ERIC Forum is pleased to announce the release of its new corporate brochure. The brochure aims to introduce the general public to the ERIC community, its activities and scope. It is also targeted towards various other stakeholders of the ERIC Forum, such as policy makers, European Research Infrastructures, Research communities in academia and … Continue reading "ERIC Forum’s New Corporate Brochure" ...

ARIE position paper on Horizon Europe Mission

– ARIE position paper on Horizon Europe Mission The ARIE (Analytical Research Infrastructures in Europe) Joint Position Paper highlighting how a common, complementary approach by Europe’s analytical RIs will help address the societal challenges of the Horizon Europe Missions framework programme was presented today.   ► Download here the position paper to which European Spallation Source … Continue reading "ARIE position paper on Horizon Europe Mission" ...

EPOS-ERIC is hiring its Executive Director

  EPOS-ERIC is hiring its Executive Director to lead EPOS Research Infrastructure aimed at ensuring sustainable use and re-use of multidisciplinary solid Earth science data & products, fostering research and innovation. Application deadline: 20 September. Read more about the job description here >> http://epos-eu.org/career  ► Download the vacancy notice here.  ...

Do you want to improve the way RIs and industry interact? Participate in the ENRIITC surveys

ENRIITC (a Horizon 2020 project supporting the establishment of strategic, cross-border partnerships between Industry and Research Infrastructures) is conducting two surveys in the form of questionnaires, addressing Industry Liaison and Contact Officers, located respectively at governmental agencies and research infrastructures, with the purpose to map the key elements to enact the envisaged collaborative framework between the ESFRI RIs and industry players … Continue reading "Do you want to improve the way RIs and industry interact? Participate in the ENRIITC surveys" ...

The ERIC community and Horizon Europe Mission Areas

– ERICs as facilitators of excellent science benefiting society  The legal framework for a European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ERIC) was introduced in 2009 to facilitate the establishment and operation of large-scale research infrastructures of European interest. The first ERIC was subsequently founded in 2011, in the Netherlands. The ERIC community has been expanding ever since. … Continue reading "The ERIC community and Horizon Europe Mission Areas" ...

The Extreme Light Infrastructure passes key milestone to become an ERIC

The Extreme Light Infrastructure (ELI) is a step closer to officially becoming an international organisation. The Czech Republic and Hungary, together with Italy and Lithuania, have formally applied to the European Commission to establish the new, pan-European organisation known as the Extreme Light Infrastructure ERIC (ELI ERIC). The United Kingdom has confirmed to join as … Continue reading "The Extreme Light Infrastructure passes key milestone to become an ERIC" ...

“European Research Infrastructures for a smarter future” Conference

The “European Research Infrastructures for a smarter future” Conference will be held on May 15th 2020, and will be fully digital. The event is open to all participants , and is hosted by the Croatian Presidency of the Council of the EU, as part of the Future of Research Infrastructures in European Research Area event. … Continue reading "“European Research Infrastructures for a smarter future” Conference" ...

RI-PATHS Webinars: A European framework for socio-economic impact of research infrastructures: A way forward”.

The RI-PATHS project team is pleased to invite research infrastructures, funding agencies, policy makers, impact analysts and other potential user communities to three dedicated online webinars tackling the theme “A European framework for socio-economic impact of research infrastructures: A way forward”. 22 June (10:00-13:00) – Panel discussion with RIs: “Advances in the field of socio-economic impact … Continue reading "RI-PATHS Webinars: A European framework for socio-economic impact of research infrastructures: A way forward”." ...

Webinar – Supporting European Research: Communicating the Value of Life Science RIs in Times of Crisis and Beyond

CORBEL presents its final webinar, this time with guest speaker Bogi Eliasen from the Copenhagen Institute for Futures Studies (CIFS). Prior to the webinar, CIFS will run a Delphi study with the participation of CORBEL partners for two weeks, facilitating a qualified interaction related to the top challenges, opportunities and priorities of Life Science Research Infrastructures … Continue reading "Webinar – Supporting European Research: Communicating the Value of Life Science RIs in Times of Crisis and Beyond" ...

ERF’s Review of Working Practices of Analytical facilities During the Pandemic

The on-going COVID-19 pandemic has strongly impacted the operations of research infrastructures. To protect their staff, several analytical facilities are closed for operations or strongly limiting their activities while maximizing protection measures, while some others provide limited access to external researchers (users), primarily for COVID-19 related research. Yet, the crisis is likely to last months … Continue reading "ERF’s Review of Working Practices of Analytical facilities During the Pandemic" ...

Overview of ERICs’ surveys on Administrative and operational issues

Between November 2019 and January 2020, the ERIC Forum conducted 4 surveys to collect feedback from ERICs on issues spanning financial reporting, budgeting, procurement, HR, insurance and more. The aim of the surveys was to gather and analyse ERICs’ input regarding their topics of interest, current challenges, and collect current practices to solve these challenges. … Continue reading "Overview of ERICs’ surveys on Administrative and operational issues" ...

Communication Toolkit for European Research Infrastructures is now Online

The Communication Toolkit for European Research Infrastructures provides an easy and useful set of tools, guidelines and resources to improve the communication strategy and activities of research infrastructures. Its common use is expected to increase the individual and collective visibility of research infrastructures, by aligning key-messages and improving how different stakeholders perceive them.  Led by Centro … Continue reading "Communication Toolkit for European Research Infrastructures is now Online" ...

Questionnaire – Research Infrastructures and COVID-19 Research

  The Association of European-Level Research Infrastructures Facilities (ERF-AISBL), in collaboration with CERIC-ERIC, has set up a page which presents the various services, such as rapid access to instruments, data and other resources, offered by the Research Infrastructures in Europe as a response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The page aims to facilitate research related to Coronavirus … Continue reading "Questionnaire – Research Infrastructures and COVID-19 Research" ...

BBMRI-ERIC response to the Coronavirus Pandemic

RESOURCES FROM BIOBANKS ACROSS EUROPE AVAILABLE FOR RESEARCH ON COVID-19 COVID-19 represents a great challenge for our healthcare systems. The situation and the working conditions are difficult in many places and direct patient care has the highest priority. The next challenge will be to support those who are finding a cure for COVID-19. The document … Continue reading "BBMRI-ERIC response to the Coronavirus Pandemic" ...

CERIC-ERIC offers free Fast Track Access to COVID-19 related research

In order to facilitate the research on the COVID-19, CERIC has set up a dedicated Fast Track Access to a selected number of instruments. The dedicated Fast Track Access will allow to access the selected instruments for research related to the COVID-19, without the necessity to undergo the regular evaluation procedure, and be scheduled within … Continue reading "CERIC-ERIC offers free Fast Track Access to COVID-19 related research" ...

INSTRUCT-ERIC offers priority access for COVID-19 related research proposals

INSTRUCT-ERIC is offering priority access to groups that need to use its structural biology services for projects directly related to COVID-19 viral proteins. Priority access will ensure a faster review of research proposals relating to COVID-19.  Read more about the application procedure and view Instruct’s technology catalogue here. ...

ESFRI cluster projects-Position papers on expectations and planned contributions to the EOSC

Source: EOSCsecretariat.eu Through its cluster projects, ESCAPE, ENVRI-FAIR, SSHOC, PaNOSC and EOSC-Life, the European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI) steers the integration and consolidation of thematic e-infrastructure platforms in preparation for connecting them to EOSC. The need to leverage domain expertise and better drive the innovation which research communities require can be found in these position … Continue reading "ESFRI cluster projects-Position papers on expectations and planned contributions to the EOSC" ...

ERIC Forum Meeting 2020, Brussels

05-06 February 2020, Brussels The first ERIC Forum meeting of 2020 was held in Brussels on 5thand 6thFebruary 2020. It brought together more than 23 different ERIC and ERIC-to-be, as well as representatives from the European Commission (DG RTD), Ministries of Science, the European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI), Research councils and more. The … Continue reading "ERIC Forum Meeting 2020, Brussels" ...

European User Office Meeting 2020

29-30 April 2020, Dolní Břežany – Czech Republic The Extreme-Light-Infrastructure (ELI) is organizing the 4th European User Office Meeting (EUOM) that will be held at ELI Beamlines in Dolní Břežany in the Czech Republic with the support of ERF, the Association of European-Level Research Infrastructures Facilities.  The workshop continues a series of successful meetings dedicated to the User … Continue reading "European User Office Meeting 2020" ...

Press Release: The ERIC Forum announces new Chair and Vice Chair

The ERIC Forum, which brings together 21 leading European Research Infrastructures, has a new leadership.The aim of the ERIC Forum is to advance operations of ERICs and to strategically contribute to the development of ERIC-related policies. The new Chair is John Womersley (Director General, European Spallation Source ERIC), and he will work together with the … Continue reading "Press Release: The ERIC Forum announces new Chair and Vice Chair" ...

ERIC Forum Meeting 2020 | Registration and Program

05-06 February 2020  |  Renaissance Hotel, Brussels – Belgium The upcoming ERIC Forum meeting will take place on 05 – 06 February 2020 at the Renaissance Hotel in Brussels, Belgium. The meeting will bring together representatives from ERICs and the ERIC Forum project partners to discuss, among other topics, the ERIC Forum governance model, ERICs’ … Continue reading "ERIC Forum Meeting 2020 | Registration and Program" ...

BBMRI-ERIC is hiring a Systems Administrator

Job title: Systems Administrator – full-time Job location: The Central Executive Management Office of BBMRI-ERIC in Graz, Austria Job Purpose: The Systems Administrator is responsible for supporting all office operations regarding IT and the infrastructure operations of Common Service IT. Application deadline: January 31, 2020 Read more here about the job description, requirements and application … Continue reading "BBMRI-ERIC is hiring a Systems Administrator" ...

Spain to join ICOS in 2020

ICOS announced that the Kingdom of Spain plans to join the ICOS research infrastructure during 2020. Spain estimates it will bring in eight greenhouse gas measurement stations: two Ocean stations, two Ecosystem and four Atmosphere stations. These stations will extend the standardised ICOS measurement networks to the Spanish mainland, the Canary Islands and to the … Continue reading "Spain to join ICOS in 2020" ...

BBMRI-ERIC is hiring its Director General

VACANCY NOTICE Post of the Director General of BBMRI-ERIC. The pan-European Biobanking and BioMolecular Resources Research Infrastructure (BBMRI) is a distributed biomedical infrastructure, which operates under the European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ERIC) legal framework. With 19 countries and one intergovernmental organisation as members and observers, BBMRI-ERIC is today one of the largest infrastructures for health in the EU … Continue reading "BBMRI-ERIC is hiring its Director General" ...

Euro-BioImaging is officially an ERIC

Press Release from EMBL — Euro-BioImaging established as a European Research Infrastructure Consortium for state-of-the-art imaging services in biological and biomedical research The European Commission has officially established Euro-BioImaging – which provides life scientists with open access to a broad range of technologies and resources in biological and biomedical imaging – as a European Research … Continue reading "Euro-BioImaging is officially an ERIC" ...

ERIC Forum’s response to the ERAC working group on ERA priorities and goals

October 2019 Note by the ERIC Forum on the input paper for the second hearing on the subject of the ERA OBJECTIVES and ERA PRIORITIES CONTEXT: The ERIC Forum responds herewith to the request, by the ERAC WG, to address four questions on future ERA Objectives and ERA Priorities as a follow up of the … Continue reading "ERIC Forum’s response to the ERAC working group on ERA priorities and goals" ...

ERIC Forum Directors’ meeting about the Governance Model

16 October 2019, Amsterdam – The Netherlands The Directors and representatives of the ERIC Forum members gathered in Amsterdam on 16th October to discuss and design common rules for the new governance model of the ERIC Forum. The Forum currently functions on basis of a common Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) and the goal is to … Continue reading "ERIC Forum Directors’ meeting about the Governance Model" ...

In-kind Contributions in the life of an ERIC

05 December 2019 – Munich, Germany CERIC is organising a workshop focused on in-kind contributions within Research Infrastructures, in particular in ERICs. The aim of the event is to increase the awareness among the existing and future ERICs and with the EC about the emerging best practices and find the best approach to solve the pending issues … Continue reading "In-kind Contributions in the life of an ERIC" ...

ERIC Forum at the RI-VIS Communication Workshop

01-02 October 2019, EMBRC-ERIC headquarters (Paris, France)   Communication experts from the ERIC Forum project and other European Research Infrastructures (RIs) took part in the RI-VIS Communication Workshop on 01-02 October 2019. The event was hosted by EMBRC-ERIC at its premises in Paris and focused on the development of a communication toolkit for Research Infrastructures. This … Continue reading "ERIC Forum at the RI-VIS Communication Workshop" ...

ERIC Forum WP4 meeting on KPIs and Monitoring

02 October 2019 – Berlin, Germany WP4 partners of the ERIC Forum project met in Berlin on 2nd October 2019 to discuss the progress of the WP, its future steps and to explore potential collaboration opportunities with RI PATHS to showcase the impact of research infrastructures and their value for society. The meeting brought together representatives … Continue reading "ERIC Forum WP4 meeting on KPIs and Monitoring" ...

Towards Key Performance Indicators of Research Infrastructures

Authors: Jana Kolar, Marjan Cugmas, Anuška Ferligoj (Submitted on 1st October 2019) In 2018, the European Strategic Forum for research infrastructures (ESFRI) was tasked by the Competitiveness Council, a configuration of the Council of the EU, to develop a common approach for monitoring of Research Infrastructures’ performance. To this end, ESFRI established a working group, which … Continue reading "Towards Key Performance Indicators of Research Infrastructures" ...

DARIAH Newsletter September 2019

DARIAH’s September newsletter is out > Read it here.   ...

ERIC Forum members’ written contribution to ERAC ad-hoc working group on the Future of the ERA

August 2019  Introduction  What is the ERIC Forum?  The ERIC Forum brings together all European Research Infrastructure Consortia (ERICs).  ERICs are legal entities based on the COUNCIL REGULATION (EC) No 723/2009 of 25 June. They are set-up by the European Commission upon request by a Member State and at least two other countries that are … Continue reading "ERIC Forum members’ written contribution to ERAC ad-hoc working group on the Future of the ERA" ...

ACCELERATE Webinars on Innovation

In the framework of the horizon2020 project ACCELERATE, a series of webinars are taking place each month in which one of the key aspects related to Innovation, Industrial Liaison and Technology Transfer is presented by experts and discussed with the participants. Click here to watch the past webinars. ...

Webinar IV: Using BBMRI-ERIC’s Directory

BBMRI-ERIC’s Directory gives access to over 600 biobanks and 100,000,000 samples across Europe. How can you use its tool to find samples quickly and effectively? That’s what Erik Steinfelder, Director of BBMRI-ERIC, will explain on Monday 30 September, 15:00 CEST. He’ll guide you through, step-by-step, how to utilize this service in order to find samples and datasets … Continue reading "Webinar IV: Using BBMRI-ERIC’s Directory" ...

ERIC Forum meeting with DG RTD

06 September 2019 – Brussels, Belgium On 6th September, a delegation of the ERIC Forum met with Mr. Adam Tyson, the Head of Unit of the Research Infrastructures unit at DG RTD (European Commission Directorate-General for Research and Innovation) to present the goals of the forum and discuss various topics ranging from the role of the ERIC … Continue reading "ERIC Forum meeting with DG RTD" ...

2nd Nordic ICOS Symposium ”Sources and Sinks of Greenhouse Gases”

24 – 25 October | Gothenburg, Sweden The Nordic ICOS Symposium is a bi-annual joint venture of the Nordic ICOS RI national networks ICOS Denmark, ICOS Finland, ICOS Norway and ICOS Sweden. In 2019, it will be hosted by Sweden. ICOS stations observe greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere as well as carbon fluxes between … Continue reading "2nd Nordic ICOS Symposium ”Sources and Sinks of Greenhouse Gases”" ...

European Research & Innovation Days

European Research & Innovation Days, Brussels, 24-26 September 2019 European Research and Innovation Days is the first annual policy event of the European Commission, bringing together stakeholders to debate and shape the future research and innovation landscape. Speakers will include ministers, commissioners, members of European Parliament, researchers, as well as surprise guests each day. The … Continue reading "European Research & Innovation Days" ...

CERIC-ERIC Call for Proposals now open!

CERIC-ERIC Call for Proposals is now open CERIC-ERIC offers access through a single entry point to more than 50 different and complementary state of the art techniques and support laboratories, distributed in 9 countries, with the submission of single or multi-technique proposals. More information cane be found here. ...

ERIC Forum Position Paper on the Development of KPIs for Research Infrastructures

ERIC Forum Position Paper on the Development of KPIs for Research Infrastructures  Research infrastructures (RI) represent public investments. As such, they need to be accountable to their funders by demonstrating expected performance and impact. In its conclusions on “Accelerating Knowledge Circulation in the EU”, the Council of the European Union: “INVITES Member States and the … Continue reading "ERIC Forum Position Paper on the Development of KPIs for Research Infrastructures" ...

ERICs’ regulation and operational issues discussed at the 1st Italian ERIC Forum

In the framework of the Horizon2020 project ACCELERATE, CERIC-ERIC organized the first Italian ERIC Forum on 27 June 2019 at CERIC’s headquarters in Trieste. The meeting was organized in line with Work Package 1 of the project, which has as objective, among others, to develop policies and methodologies for advanced operational aspects of ERICs through a set of … Continue reading "ERICs’ regulation and operational issues discussed at the 1st Italian ERIC Forum" ...

CESSDA Webinar: The GDPR and research one year on: experiences across Europe

Panel discussion webinar, where data protection experts from across Europe will give their views on what changes the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) brought for research, data archiving and data sharing and how researchers and institutions have implemented the GDPR. Brief presentations will be followed by an interactive panel discussion responding to questions from the … Continue reading "CESSDA Webinar: The GDPR and research one year on: experiences across Europe" ...


Join BBMRI-ERIC’s Director General, Erik Steinfelder, on Wednesday, June 26 at 14:00-15:00 CEST for a live webinar answering more in-depth questions on how to use the BBMRI-ERIC Directory. He’ll show you how to utilize this service in order to find samples and datasets quickly and efficiently. 100 million samples are waiting – learn how to … Continue reading "BBMRI-ERIC DIRECTORY: WEBINAR II" ...

Data FAIRness in Environmental & Earth Science Infrastructures: theory and practice

INTERNATIONAL SUMMER SCHOOL Data FAIRness in Environmental & Earth Science Infrastructures: theory and practice Lecce, 01 – 05 July 2019 In recent years, one of the major challenges in the Environmental and Earth Science has been managing and searching larger volumes of data, collected across multiple disciplines. Many different standards, approaches, and tools have been developed … Continue reading "Data FAIRness in Environmental & Earth Science Infrastructures: theory and practice" ...

Amsterdam, February 1st, 2019. On Thursday 31 January, 23* European Research Infrastructures, based in 11 different countries with national nodes in all European Member States, met in Amsterdam to launch the ERIC Forum project, co-funded by the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 programme (Grant Agreement No 823798). The project will run until December 2022. About the … Continue reading "" ...

RI-PATHS Workshops

Call to take part in the second round of RI-PATHS workshops: As a follow-up to the scoping workshops held in November-December 2018, RI-PATHS project team kindly invites the RI community to express interest in joining the second round of participatory workshops on socio-economic impact assessment. Different from the first round of workshops where the emphasis was … Continue reading "RI-PATHS Workshops" ...

ERIC Forum Implementation Project: Kick off meeting

Amsterdam, February 1st, 2019. On Thursday 31 January, 23* European Research Infrastructures, based in 11 different countries with national nodes in all European Member States, met in Amsterdam to launch the ERIC Forum project, co-funded by the European Commission’s Horizon 2020programme (grant agreement N. 823798). The project will run until December 2022. About the ERIC … Continue reading "ERIC Forum Implementation Project: Kick off meeting" ...

4th ERIC Forum Meeting – Oslo, Norway

07 – 08 May 2019, Research Council of Norway On May 7th, representatives of current and future ERICs will come together for the 4thERIC Forum meeting, which will take place at the Research Council of Norway in Oslo. The first day of the meeting will include presentations and updates from some of the project’ stakeholders. … Continue reading "4th ERIC Forum Meeting – Oslo, Norway" ...

📢 #ESFRI announces the launch of the #ESFRIroadmap2026 update! At the Info Day, the methodology for submitting & selecting new #ResearchInfrastructures projects was outlined, focusing on scientific excellence, societal impact & sustainability.🔗Full PR: http://bit.ly/3YfNwZA

@ELI_laser Allen Weeks is representing @ERIC_forum in the EOSC EU Node technical launch. ERICs provide world class services which will input to EOSC. #OpenScience @eoscassociation @EU_Commission

📢 The #ESFRIroadmap2026 update is officially underway! Over 130 stakeholders gathered on 8 October 2024 to launch the call for new #ResearchInfrastructures proposals, focused on scientific excellence, societal impact, and sustainability.

➡️ More: http://www.esfri.eu/roadmap-2026